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Maasai Shield SB.1.46

Maasai Shield SB.1.46

Shield. Maasai. Keyna. No 93. XI.E.12. Original list: "Maasai. Shield. Buffalo leather, wood, kaolin, lion hair. Man, warrior". Large elliptical shield formed from a buffalo skin, which is stretched and then fixed on a wooden frame, using vegetable and leather ties. The outer surface of the shield is painted with black and red geometric patterns deployed from a vertical axis. The back of the shield has a finely carved handle. In the lower part, the shield is also provided with an iron chain at the end of which hangs a ponpon in lion's mane mounted between two ornamental leather rings. This hunting trophy is just like red paint, an attribute of confirmed warrior. "Upon achieving the status of warrior, each young 'moran' (warrior) makes himself a shield, painting it with earth pigments of white, black and red. The design chosen is partially a reflection of individual taste, but it must also convey important information about the community to which the soldier belongs, his military unit, his rank and his deeds of bravery "(Burt. Seattle Art Museum. 1985: 12).
Category (s) Shield
Location (s) Kenya

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