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Karamajong Headress, Published Wooden Dreams

Karamajong Headress, Published Wooden Dreams

Clay, human hair, ostrich feathers, metal, pigment 
Provenance Stephane Borsset 
Cap. Karamojong. Pokot. Kenya. No 18. XI.CX.6. Original list: "Pokot. Karamajong. Headress. Human hair, clay, pigment, ostrich feathers, iron. Man, elder". Clay helmet chiseled with geometric patterns, topped with a row of ostrich feathers then extended at the front by a sort of ornamental dome and at the back by a long bun of black hair. The clay has remnants of red and blue pigments. The feather holders, in the form of small cylinders, are lined with metal wire. "The men of these tribes traditionally wear beautiful headdresses made of clay and human hair, decorated with dyes and ornaments in which ostrich and pelican feathers stand (...) Karamajong headdresses woven of ancestral human hair, are rare, especially those with hanging bun "(Donovan. 2005: 173-174). 
Category (s) Cap 
Location (s) Kenya 

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